Should you install Windows 7 SP1
We got an email from one of reader asking if he should install Windows 7 SP1 which came out recently. In one word, YES. I did installed it on my computers,one from MSDN and other using Windows Update and it was smooth and I do not see any issue with performance on 64 and 32 bit system.
- Turn on your Windows Update on. This is the best way as windows will keep downloading in background and when it is ready you will know.
- You can download it from Official Microsoft Download Page. For 64 bit it is just over 900MB and for 32 Bit it is just over 500 MB.
There are full length documents that are available here which guides you how to install for both Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. Below I am listing down the important ones.
- Additional support for communication with third-party federation services
- Improved HDMI audio device performance
- Corrected behavior when printing mixed-orientation XPS documents
- Change to behavior of “Restore previous folders at logon” functionality
- Improved Support for Advanced Format (512e) Storage Devices
Free Calls
call free 100&100%
Go to
below address
callback/trigger.htm 2. Type ur country ur no
on first blank next type ur calling no in second
blank this is only three times 3. If u calling extra
times then u change like "type ur calling no in
first blank n type ur no in second blank" enjoy
below address
callback/trigger.htm 2. Type ur country ur no
on first blank next type ur calling no in second
blank this is only three times 3. If u calling extra
times then u change like "type ur calling no in
first blank n type ur no in second blank" enjoy
- Hai Friendz u can make Free calls to mobile through PC for a limited Time period To any were in the world For more info click here
- If u r Mobile had the portability to of 3G services thn by downloading Fring or gtalk u can make free calls to any one who r in visable To download it to u r mobile just click ...
Google translations
- U can translate Ur Known Language into Unknown language very simply and Purely Its from the google...,it can be used in the Googletalk to know more about it just Click here...
- here u can translate ur know Lippi into unknown Lippi in many languages so that u r benefeated a lot to know the details of it just clickhere...
BSNL 3G Services for free
- Many of us wonder how to use high speed broadband on mobile for free.Its just a matter of time,sometimes we success in hacking and sometimes we do fail.But i have got a trick which gonna blow your mind,but its only for BSNL 3G customers.After trying harder,i managed to come out with a new trick which gonna help you in accessing free unlimited 3G internet.Yes,3G internet at 460 Kbps would mean a lot.Otherwise,this pack would cost you Rs.2500 per month.So here's the trick--
- First of all,see if your mobile is in 3G coverage.If it is not,then find any 3G coverage.If it is,then open your mobile browser and open any site like google using access point BSNLNET.Now the main procedure starts,you have to go to a non-3G coverage where 3G is not present.But remember your browser must be open and your internet should be connected.Also remember your network settings must be set to Dual Mode.Now when you go to a 2G coverage,a message will pop-up on your mobile saying LAST CALL COST IS RS 0.01 or sometimes it would cost more.Now you can access free internet whether you use it in 2G range or 3G range.It won't charge you unless you disconnect your internet connection or you exit your browser.
- After disconnecting from internet,follow the same procedure to connect it again.Now you can use free unlimited BSNL 3G internet on your mobile.
Vodafone Hack For Free GPRS
This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working.
- Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
- Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
- Homepage:
- User Name: (no need)
- Pass: (no need)
- ACCEESS Point Settings :-
- Proxy: Enabled
- Proxy Address:
- Proxy Port: 9401
- Data Bearer: Packet Data
- Bearer Settings :-
- Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
- Network type: IPV4
- Authentication: normal
- User Name: (no need)
- Password: (no need)
- *IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-
- Proxy Port: 9401
Latest Airtel Hack
I got a Trick that’s help me to Activate my Mobile office whole 30 days only for 25.00/. Its really good.
- Just follow the Trick-
- 1) Your account balance should be above 25.00 for the first time.
- 2) Activate your mobile office by dialing *444*1#. You will Activate your Mobile Office in the Morning.
- 3) You got an Activation msg.Ur account should deducted by Rs. 25.00/-
- 4) After that your can enjoy mobile office for 24 hours.
- 5) But for unlimited access you will do this :: Just switch off your mobile from 7.00 am to 10.00am. and your account balance should be below 25.00 /
- 6) Just try it enjoy the whole world only by 25.00.
- I am Sure you should be Benefited. JUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!!